Insights and curiosities

Guide to the feast of St. Anne

Are you a tourist, are you in Ischia and are attending the Festa a Mare at the Scogli di Sant’Anna for the first time? It is important to know that this is a unique, atypical event, so improvising participation is definitely not recommended! Here, then, is what you need to know about the festival and especially some tips for having an unforgettable experience.

The history of the Feast of St. Anne in a nutshell

The Feast of St. Anne is the most anticipated and heartfelt event in the Ischian community and takes place on July 26 ina Ischia Ponte, in the stretch of water at the foot of the Aragonese Castle. Linked to the ancient cult of the patron saint of childbirth, the event stems from the ritual of young women who gave birth, who reached on goiters festively decorated to the small church of Sant’Anna, set in the bay of Cartaromana. From year to year the decorations of the boats have become more and more sought after until they have become real floating sets with evocative themes related to the traditions and history of the island of Ischia entering into competition with each other.

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The event begins with the parade of the competing allegorical boats, anchored a few days earlier at the foot of the Aragonese Castle in what will become a floating theater. Each boat has about 20 minutes to parade around the bay and put on its show in front of thousands of spectators thronging the rocks and piers or looking out from balconies and, most importantly, in front of the technical jury that will decide the most beautiful at the end of the evening. There are also several side prizes, including one determined by the public, who vote through the flashlights of their smartphones. The climax of the evening is the simulation of the burning of the Aragonese Castle, a decidedly atmospheric spectacle, accompanied by a historic soundtrack, “Blue Dolphin.” The conclusion of the event is provided by a pyromusical show that illuminates the entire village of Ischia Ponte and the bay of Cartaromana.

How to attend the Festival

The spectacle of the parade of allegorical boats and the simulated fireworks display can be appreciated both from land – on the rocks and along the Aragonese pier leading to the Castle – and from the sea, via private or chartered boat (there are several companies on the island that organize the evening aboard). The advice is to travel to Ischia Ponte as early as the afternoon to secure a prime spot. Tradition has it that large numbers of people bathe by settling on the rocks, suitably equipped with snacks, sandwiches and eggplant parmigiana (an authentic tradition) while waiting for the party to begin. It is important to know that the seats are not accessible.

How to reach the village

To reach the village of Ischia Ponte, – which will be off limits to all means of locomotion for the evening – a service of the free shuttle Zizì has been set up, departing on a continuous loop from the free Fondobosso parking lot. Alternatively, it is advisable to find parking in Ischia Porto and walk or take a bus to the ancient village.

How to witness the construction of the allegorical boats

The four allegorical boats in the competition are usually anchored at the foot of the Aragonese Castle in Ischia Ponte to finish the final touches to the scenery, and it is possible to watch these ancient rituals of the craftsmen from the Aragonese Wharf in the days leading up to the festival

The four allegorical boats of the 2024 parade

The four allegorical boats, whose order of parade will be determined on July 24 with a tandem canoe race in the stretch of water in front of the Aragonese Castle organized by the Auras Club (thanks for this to Pres. Carlo Piccoli and team rappr. Vincenzo Trani) and in which students from island educational institutions will participate, will be as follows:


    The boat “Ischia, land of enchantment and virtue” was made with the support of the ANS Diving Ischia association, with a group composed of experienced builders and someone at the first experience, always harried but nevertheless, with love and dedication, trying their hand at the preparation of the float, with the desire to tell and pass on what can be considered a social custom, a custom that has long distinguished the population of this beautiful island, in times now past.
    The tradition of “cala cala” is one of the oldest on our Island and undoubtedly represents a peculiar way of experiencing the area through its authenticity and contact with its people. In this word derived from the Greek verb kaleo, there is all the essence of the people of Ischia, of the soul of Ischia, encapsulated in its being a land of sea and land. This now lost tradition actually still lives on in the alleys of our Island, where ladies still use u’canist for their shopping. However, an ambivalent meaning is hidden in it. If for some areas of our territory, the action was understood as a barter, expressed in the act of sending something down, from the top down, waiting to receive something else in return, for other areas of the Island, the cala cala had a more negative meaning, also dictated by the different social conditions and represented theft. With this float we wanted to represent what the cala cala has been for the island of Ischia with a little anecdote that we hope will make all those here to enjoy the ninety-second edition of the Feast of Sant’Anna laugh and have fun

  2. THE LEGEND OF VIRGILIO’S EG GS by the Aldebaran Tourism and Culture Association.
    Representation of three figures ( St. Gennaro, Parthenope , St. Virgil) that take up the Neapolitan and Ischitan culture with Virgil’s egg in the center. The figures dance like a music box and thus are destined never to reach each other.
  3. THE MEDUSA DANCE by the P.I.D.A. Association.
    The sea is possible horizon of dreams and desires, an elsewhere where to be free and express one’s uniqueness, playing with the other.
    The jellyfish becomes, thus, a symbol of fragility that is transformed into beauty, its dance a spectacle that enchants and drags along with it our most secret aspirations.
    The allegorical boat is a tribute to the sea on our island, but more importantly, it is a hymn of hope for all young people entering life.
    The boat has been designed with environmental sustainability and circularity in mind. Made of bamboo, it will be powered by photovoltaic panels and batteries and will have a positive CO2 balance in its life cycle. After the festival it will be transformed into a floating soundbox for concerts and events and will tour the island until September.
  4. A GIANT INSIDE OF US by Pro Loco Lacco Ameno.
    The boat represents Ischia, an island united and cohesive, not fragmented into municipalities, but compact in its essence. It is an island that is told through legends, traditions and customs of yesterday and today, revealing a people steeped in resilience. This is the real secret to protecting their beloved land: inner strength and determination to preserve what is dear.

The jury and the awards

Judging the allegorical boats, which will parade in their usual 20-minute allotted time, will be the authoritative panel of judges chaired by Lucia Fortini, Regional Councillor for School and Social and Youth Policies Campania Region. Other members will be the Hon Giovanni Legnini, Extraordinary Commissioner for post earthquake and post landslide reconstruction on the island of Ischia, Bruno Barbieri, a multiple Michelin award-winning chef with 7 career stars, TV host and Italian entrepreneur, Germano Bellavia, actor known to the public for playing Guido Del Bue in the soap Un posto al sole , Luisa Amatucci, an actress known to the public for her role in the soap Un posto al Sole,, Marina Fumo, Architect and consultant Scabec (in-house company of the Campania Region).


Funiciello Award. Island artist whose hallmark of his works are the vibrant combination of bright colors that find expression especially in his famous collages with fabric. It is awarded to the best artistic sketch and this year will be divided into two sections: Funiciello Prize for the best sketch of the competing boats and Funiciello Prize sez. Scuola Viva for the commitment of young artists.

Premio Andrea Di Massa (alla memoria di uno dei migliori costruttori)
Awarded by a technical jury based on the evaluation of the complexity of implementation and the greatest scenic innovation
Nero Award (born Giovan Giuseppe Sorrentino)
The award named after him is given annually by the Sorrentino family, who evaluate each time the boat that has best interpreted the Spirit of the Festival
Domenico Di Meglio Award, in memory of the master of local journalism.
To assign it will be, as always, the people attending the festival who will vote for their favorite boat by turning on the flashlight of their smartphone: a way to give the Festival’s setting an even more beautiful moment: the bay will light up with many small lights.
Mario Mazzella Award dedicated to the memory of the artist famous for the figurative and stylistic essentiality of his works with typical island architecture and pastel colors. It will be awarded by the heirs of the island artist appreciated all over the world, to the boat that respects the balance between form and color.
Social award and voting from home (new for this 2024 edition): judging the boats will be the 5 guest influencers and the audience from home who will be able to vote for their favorite boat through a poll that will be opened among the stories of the instagram page @visitischia.official (where live content about the festival will be published) in a window of 20 minutes starting from the end of the last performance. The public vote will contribute to the influencer ranking that will award the new “social” prize

How to help keep the bay clean

The beauty of this event is linked to the uniqueness of Cartaromana Bay, which necessarily needs to be protected and guarded, so it is advisable not to leave garbage among the rocks and especially in the sea. It would be advisable to be equipped with small garbage bags. It will in any case be forbidden to carry glass bottles. Those who would like to actively clean up the bay can take part in the event organized by the Marine Protected Area Kingdom of Neptune: the appointment is for Saturday, July 27 at 8:30 a.m., meeting point at Ristorante da Cocò

How and where to follow the feast of St. Anne from home

For all those who are unable to reach the village of Ischia Ponte to watch the festival live, it is possible to follow it from the comfort of home on the regional broadcasters that will broadcast the event live. There will be broadcasters Nuvola Tv (channel 80 of digital terrestrial on Naples and province) and Teleischia (channel 81 of digital terrestrial on Naples and province) visible throughout the Campania region and lower Lazio. In any case, on the social channels and websites of the two broadcasters it will be possible to follow the evening in streaming. Nuvola Tv will broadcast nationwide on the following channels: Channel 232 National (Jump through Hbbtv, this is a connection to the HD streaming signal of the live broadcast that will be transmitted) Lombardy Region channel 186 Asti and Alessandria channel 112 Friuli Venezia Giulia Region channel 80 Belluno and Cortina channel 92 Marche Region channel 79 Emilia Romagna Region channel 77 Frosinone and Rieti channel 97 Province of Avellino channel 75 Province of Salerno channel 82

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