In the heart of the enchanting island of Ischia, this great little business combines local culinary tradition with a passion for an ancient craft. Ischia Salumi was founded back in 1984 by Giuseppe, a tireless and passionate worker in the industry who transformed a modest village butcher’s shop into an authentic artisanal laboratory of typical Ischia salumi.

Giuseppe’s innovative strength, combined with the youthful energy of his sons, has created a company that is now an established local business, known and appreciated by islanders and tourists from all over the world.
The scents emanating from Ischia Salumi’s production are a unique sensory experience. Smoked dry sausages, spicy sweet salami, capocollo, bacon, and the famous rabbit salami called Cunì are just some of the specialties offered to the many customers.

A particular hallmark of Ischia Salumi is the reworking of Ischia’s signature dish, rabbit all’ischitana, which has resulted in the delicious rabbit salami Cunì, which has become Ischia Salumi’s little prince.
The company has grown over time, but it has kept intact the core values passed on by the family: the love of one’s culinary passion and the unbreakable family bond. In 2015, Ischia Salumi grew from a small butcher store to a large store, where you can taste the specialties right outside the workshop. Here, the cozy atmosphere and affection of the owners turn customers into valued friends.

Ischia Salumi is a fusion of the wisdom of the founding father and the historical tradition of the island. The art of making typical Ischian flavors is passed down from generation to generation, keeping the passion for local cuisine alive.
Ischia Salumi is much more than a place to enjoy delicious cured meats; it is a special experience fueled by the love and generosity of a close-knit family.

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